Thursday 19 November 2015

Winter Wonderland?

It’s Christmassssssssssssssssssss, well actually NO it’s NOT – It’s November but if Shopping Centres, supermarkets and high streets insist on Christmas decorations and festive music, IN MID-NOVEMBER, then I guess there’s no escape.

Usually I wouldn’t mind as I love Christmas, I’d see the above as the perfect excuse for me to blast out Buble’s Christmas Album and tap along – this year though it’s different. 

It’s like I’m in some poorly budgeted Christmas family-comedy themed movie, yes I’m currently taking a supporting role in…. The Dog That Cancelled Christmas.

Guess who the main star is everybody!

Harry is fine in the house, in terms of understand his toilet is OUTSIDE! And to be fair, 90% of the time is calm inside, but that leaves the 10% of the Harry goes mental – racing round, barking, trying to eat anything he can see (human flesh included), barking etc etc.

As I say, I love Christmas – getting the tree out and decorating it, making our room look all grotto-like, warm and welcoming. Having Harry around however is make me seriously question doing any of that this year, I can picture it now – he’ll be trying to play with the bulbils (if I’ve totally spelt that wrong and you have no idea what I mean, those round colourful things which hang from the tree…). 

He’ll no doubt chew the tinsel and be weirdly mesmerised by the fairy lights… as for the pop-up Santa we’ve got, he’ll probably try and hump that, especially if it smells like apple (Don’t ask!)… SMUT!

How can we enjoy Christmas and our little grotto if Harry the evil elf-dog is hell bent on humping Santa and destroying the tree? I’ve no idea what will happen when all the family are round and buried in a sea of wrapping paper come Christmas Day!

I guess there’s plenty of time to think about that, a more pressing issue though is the Snow which is bound to fall sooner rather than later – it’s getting terribly cold out there and another outbreak of the white stuff is set to fall according to the weather forecasters.

I reckon he’ll be good at getting us out if it gets quite deep to be fair, open the front door and attach him to the lead, it’ll be clear within seconds!

The other day I picked up December’s copy of Your Dog, the magazine I referenced a few blogs back.

Being the December issue, naturally it’s Christmas themed and inside, it has a list of things to do with your dog over the festive period as well as some great ideas for Christmas presents for your pet. Basically a cracker full of dog treats!

Last year it snowed heavily on Boxing Day and it basically caused chaos for about a week afterwards, I’ve been thinking about how much worse it would have been had Harry been around. 

I’ve also been thinking about the whispers of imminent snowfall and, inspired by Your Dog’s lists – I’ve decided to compile my own list of practical essentials for a Puppy Owner to cope through the Christmas period and combat the Snow, chilling wind and temperatures and storms.

Please note, many items on this list are listed through sarcasm and probably don’t even exist – if they do, er well Merry Christmas I guess?
.  High-visibility Dog-Lead/Jacket
For those of us who walk our dogs in dark conditions around areas with exceptionally poor lighting and dogs with black/dark coats – not being able to see where your dog is properly is a hazard!
2Attachable Snow-Plow
Ideal for clearing paths and driveways – just attach to the front of the dog and let them loose. Note, item 1 would be required to ensure you don’t lose them in the snow!
3Body-warming outfits
I’m not talking a thick coat and a wooly hat, I’m talking some sort of onesie type under top/bottoms which heats up when it senses you are freezing. Perfect to stop you going in the opposite direction of frosty the snow-man, especially when your dog is too busy chasing the remaining leafs on their walks.
4Endless supply of socks
Because the above will never happen, can someone PLEASE keep topping up my sock drawer to prevent me having to put the washing on every other day. Thanks
5A cup of tea awaiting your return from a walk
Or with the recent weather, should that not be treck across the antartic? Either way, a nice warm cup of tea awaiting the return of a dog walker from a loved one who has stayed inside, this avoiding dog walking duty, wouldn’t go a miss!
6 Magic Shield, Ala Harry Potter, to protect the Grotto!
Alright, I’m going too far now I know

I’m sure some other random thing will cross my mind to add to the list at some point. As ever, if you have any tips/ suggestions – please let me know! That’s it for this week, I’ve got a Christmas decoration box to fetch out and a defence strategy to plan – Harry must not hump Santa, or Rudolph, the horny little devil!

Rudolph, not Harry.

P.S for those who think Harry has changed from the photos of the Blonde dog, That's my Jaz (R.I.P) who adored Christmas! All I want for Christmas eh, stop it - I'll cry! 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Back To School – The Fear Factor

First of all, let’s start this week’s blog with a quick “hurrah” as following on from “Night Terrors”, I’m delighted to report that with a newly decked out cage, complete with new bed and pillow with our scent on, Harry is sleeping like a log.

High-Fives all round (Or should that be High Paws)

This week I’m having a bit of a mental battle with myself when it comes to young Harry. I’ve been reading more forums and magazine articles about dog training and I don’t know if we’ve left it too late to get Harry into shape.

Since day one of Harry entering our lives, we’ve tried to teach him simple commands “Sit” “Stay” “Lie Down” etc, the success rate of him listening and obeying commands is about 20% - at six months old, surely it must be higher.

Then again, Puppies are like Babies – it takes time. Most articles I’ve read say Pups should be understanding the simple commands as soon as they leave their mothers at 7-8 weeks – we didn’t get Harry until he was 13 weeks old, but still he should have absorbed them by now.   

The biggest problem we have at the moment is “Recall” AKA getting the dog to come back when he’s loose. He LOVES an escape, not to get away from us obviously – it’s to explore, but he is prone to darting off at lightening pace down the farm fields towards the main road! It takes a crack squad of at least four to get hold of him and back in a controlled environment! “Harry Come” to him is “Harry keep running pal”.

Around the other dogs he’s OK, he sniffs around like you do but is generally well behaved, other than stealing treats and not chilling out! He has a BIG problem with that when the other dogs are around, when they aren’t he WILL take a nap 80% of the time, it’s driving me insane – especially when there’s something on TV or your trying to get some work done.

I can hear you screaming now “He’s a puppy, it happens” – I know, I know… but you haven’t met him, this is not normal puppy behaviour.

Enquiries have been made about Puppy Training, but that’s my next worry… what if he doesn’t respond? Especially when you consider puppy training is group based, which means other dogs… and other owners who want to out-do you!!

It’s going to be like school, which fills me with fear.

With the farm dogs and family, Harry is OK – he knows them and is fine around them, but when we take him for walks and he see’s other Dog’s and other people, that can have interesting results! One dog or One person is manageable with a tightened grip on the lead and some fuss, but multiple dogs and multiple people at once, in a crowded environment whilst your trying to listen and make a breakthrough… all I can say is ARRRRHHHHHHHGGGGG HELP ME.

That’s it for this week, if you’re reading and you have tips on getting him a little wiser and calmer ahead of School, imagine it like private pre-school, then please let me know! Oh also the Collar camera DID arrive, once again I didn’t think it through – yup, I got endless shots of his fur and, after he’d shook it off, the sky as it lay out in the garden getting slowly buried!

P.S. I saw this on facebook earlier too, maybe a topic for next week – that’s SO going to happen!

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Night Terrors

 “Lie Down Harry” is quite an apt name for this blog this week, as for the last few nights our Harry will do anything but “Lie Down” when it comes to bed time.

The problem first started on Saturday evening where there were typically LOADS of fireworks flying around (despite the fact it wasn’t bonfire night). 

We put Harry to bed around 11pm as he was shattered (a rarity in itself) but no sooner had we got upstairs and into bed ourselves, he was howling. 

Fair enough, maybe he needed another wee, so I let him out and eventually put him back to bed, but again no sooner had my head hit my own pillow – Harry was off again.

A walk around the block, two or three more let outs later and it was still the same – so for the first time since the first couple of nights we had him, I caved in and Harry came upstairs and slept in our room. Did he make a sound? No he slept like a baby.

As I say, we did put it down to fireworks but on Sunday there were none and it was a repeat performance, although to be fair – the first time he barked he did need a wee as he hadn’t been out. 

He settled down for about twenty minutes but again would not stop barking until he was allowed upstairs – and yes once again he slept like a dream.

Last night was a similar story, barking about twenty minutes or so after being put to bed. Yet I’m starting to think that it has nothing to do at all with fireworks, as he’s not really that phased by them – last night was the busiest night for fireworks and he slept all the way through.

Having Harry upstairs with us isn’t really a problem for me, but Em says she gets sore eyes and a sore throat in a morning which could be allergies. To be fair, the first few nights he was up here when he came into our lives I was the same – I also believe that a Dog should have their own, separate, sleeping space so that when they’re older they can cope with being left alone.

I’ve therefore read a few online forums and advice pages as well as buying and reading a Dog’s magazine “Dog’s Life”. One main theme about my recurring night terror is the fact that, like babies, puppies will cry and howl when they want attention – what you shouldn’t do is consistently go to them and give attention, after the first “let out for a wee” time anyway.

Now I’ll be honest, I’m extremely guilty of not being able to ignore Harry’s cries. I worry that he’ll wake up others and make the other dogs upset or that he’ll mess in his cage, and that’s NOT what I want to see first thing in a morning!! So yes, I’d much rather give in and bring him upstairs to us.

Fortunately other people on the forums that I’ve found have done the same, so I don’t feel as guilty about what could potentially mess up his development – yet I do know that it can’t continue for much longer, both for Harry’s development, Em’s potential health and also my sanity!

Our room is quite a busy place with stuff and even though Harry has his own bed up here, he doesn’t lie still in it, he likes to wonder and has a few spots. My worry if he remains inside all night with us is that he’ll find something to chew (like clothes/ paperwork etc) or worse, have a toilet based accident. This means that for the last three nights, I’ve only had pockets of sleep as everything I hear Harry move, I shoot up watching him!

To be fair, I shouldn’t have too much fear about the toilet thing as he is good as gold inside – he’ll bark at the door when he wants to go out, but having no formal training just leaves that ounce of doubt in my mind.

What I needed was a solution to my sanity problem, so this morning I have rigorously tidied up our room removing anything that he might take a chewing fancy too and putting clothes etc out of his reach.

I know that’s giving in too and so read more about the issue, basically I googled “My border collie puppy won’t settle at night, what can I do” and went from there. Personally it’s each to their own on advice, but I’m more than happy to try and follow a few of the tips and techniques that people have shared.

The first is food and water. Harry currently can access food and water whenever he wants, both in and out of his cage. Some owners say that this can act as a distraction for your dog, they wake up in the middle of the night and smell food so they eat it and have a drink afterwards, meaning that sooner rather than later they’ll need the toilet. The advice is to remove it and also to take away food and water bowls from the dogs immediate surroundings at least two hours before you would put them to bed, this is said to help settle a dogs digestive system and can lead to a better night’s sleep. I’ve already removed the bowls from his cage and tonight, will ensure I remove his other bowls around 9pm as he usually goes to bed around 11pm.

The second tip I’ve found is about surroundings and smells. Dogs, especially puppies, at some stage will suffer from separation anxiety. Basically no matter where they are, if they are alone they are unlikely to settle and will cry out for you. It’s like when you have a nightmare as a kid and all you want is a cuddle from a loved one (and for them to check the bogey man isn’t under your bed, or that there are no monsters in your wardrobe – cheers for that Monsters Inc). If you create a warm and welcoming surrounding for your dog’s cage, they are more likely to settle. I’m not talking making a replica of your bedroom and photos of you hanging in their cage, I mean put in blankets that have your smell/ scent on it – that way they are tricked (in a nice way) into thinking you are close by and will snuggle up/in to it to feel closer to you. Also add in a favourite toy, something such as a ball or chewy bone, to help them settle

One person had used a hot water bottle (filled with warm tap water and NOT BOILING water) and cuddled it to replicate both the scent of them and the body-warmth. I would try the same thing, but knowing Harry he’d just chew it!  

The third and final tip is common sense really, play time. A well exercised dog is a tired dog and so owners should take the time to tire out their pups just before bed. We do and we don’t do this. We do in the sense that he has a run around the living room chasing his ball around 9.30pm whilst one of us puts the kettle to work, but we don’t do it right before bed – simply because Harry flops and goes to sleep whilst we’re watching TV. Tonight though, he will be having a short run before bed – just to see what happens.

I’ll let you know what happens next week, and if his barking at night continues, I’ll put a camera in place to see if there’s anything I’m missing.

Talking of cameras, I STILL haven’t received his collar camera which I ordered ages a go. It has however been shipped from abroad (ALWAYS check where the seller is based kids!) and should arrive on November 14th, So I’m looking forward to seeing life through Harrys eyes.I did conduct an experiment a week or so ago with a hidden camera in the mail catcher downstairs, I have uploaded the clips to YouTube but keep forgetting to put them in here – so as a little extra, have a little look at what Harry get’s up to below!

That’s about it for this week, although before I go I just want to encourage you to share your stories and tips if you are dog owners as I’m thinking of doing a YouTube Vlog in addition to this – I like video editing etc but never really have an excuse to film anything so help me out.

One thing I haven’t really done is share this blog too much other than on Facebook, Twitter and occasionally Instagram. It’s been getting a nice number of views but I’d love it to get a few more and get some feedback from dog owners, so if you know anyone please share the link and/or don’t be afraid to leave me a comment. I’ve also posted (well I’m going post once it’s done – ah blogging perspective kills my brain) the link in some puppy/ dog forums so if you are reading from there, hello and thank you!

Actually whilst I’ve got your attention, it’s not the end after all – I let Harry out for a run five minutes ago an popped back up to write what I thought would be the end of the blog (above). I’ve just been back downstairs and after going into town today especially to buy him a comfortable foam bed for his cage (along with other things for inside), he’s only gone and dragged it out of his cage onto the garden and chewed it! 

Other than not leaving his cage open, is there anything I can do to make him understand that his cage is his bed and that he shouldn’t destroy it on the garden? Please help!

Thanks again for reading, and if you have done, leaving feedback - a new blog will be posted here next Tuesday!